Monday, August 21, 2006

The break up and the recovery

A. and I are slowly unpacking our new house. With each piece of cardboard that is cleared and each space crisis averted (how do we own so many books/shoes/blankets and other sentimental and not particularly valuable items?), the house begins to feel more familiar and comfortable.

I read recently that moving out of your apartment is like breaking up with a significant other. Given the emotional exhaustion and initial heart break we experienced when finding our new house, I have to agree. But like any relationship ended, once you grow into your new space, you begin to wonder how you once were so attached to the previous way of living. There is unavoidably a good dose of humiliation that comes with acknowledging the heart break you experienced. Questions run through your head like, “How did I accept those abusive rent raises? I didn’t even have a backyard!” And the most embarrassing of all, “How did I think that life would not go on without you?”

Yesterday we had a party which means that a lot of unpacking happened. A. also accomplished the following pre-party:

1) Hanging pictures (the place now has a soul)
2) Weeding the back yard to discover herbs (tomato, oregano thyme..)
3) Fixed our fence

Talk about a handy roommate to have around. We have so much space in our backyard that it’s time to start thinking about winter garden beds. I’ll feel more committed to my bedroom as useful space once I have a book case installed.

Big list of desires for the house

1) install compost bin
2) Put in winter garden beds
3) Plant more herbs
4) Break up the patio space
5) Get storage shed cleared (to be done my rental agency)
6) Have blinds installed in rest of house (Also to be done by rental agency)

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